Digital CLIL for all


Key competences foster the ability to participate in social life, widen job opportunities and improve the socio-occupational conditions of citizens, among these the project "Digital Clil for all" wants to strengthen the digital and multilingual skills of adults. According to what is indicated by the recommendations of the Council of the European Union in 2018, one of the characteristics of key competences is the possibility of being acquired and strengthened during the whole life and the fact that they represent the base to exercise an active citizenship.

Despite the importance of soft skills, the latest reports on the topic show a European contest still lagging behind, especially with regard to the adult population: 44% of the population holds basic digital skills and 35.2% knows an extra language compared to the native. Given the importance of strengthening transversal skills throughout the entire life, and finding that the level of digital and multilingual skills for the adult population is still too low, the "Digitalclil 4all" project aims to create a new teaching methodology to be used for adult learning.

The Dital Clil method integrates the CLIL approach (Content and Language Integrated Learning), which uses a second language to convey non-linguistic disciplines, with the use of ICT, enhancing the digital dimension in the teaching process. The general objective is therefore to improve and strengthen the digital and linguistic skills of adult learners for a more active participation in the labour market and European society, to this aim the project will support the teaching staff in the ability of improving the level of soft skills of adult learners through the digital clil methodology and will update the teaching methods for adult learning based on the digital and linguistic experience.

The project involves the creation of one  Intellectual Outputs -Guidelines for applying didactic methodology digital CLIL in learning for adults

All the materials produced by the project will be available in 6 languages (Italian, Romanian, Croatian, Greek, Spanish and English) to ensure maximum usability both in the national contexts where the project will be implemented and in other European countries.
In conclusion, 20 teachers will be directly involved in the research and output definition activities, which will test the digital CLIL methodology in 10 pilot courses. Precisely, the teachers will participate in a 5-day training event (4 teachers for each partner country) and they will be provided with all the tools necessary to use the "digital Clil" methodology in the classroom. Once back, 10 pilot courses will be launched (2 in Romania, 2 in Cyprus, 2 in Croatia, 2 in Spain and 2 in Italy) in which the methodology will be used in adult classes and for teaching different disciplines chosen by the partner institutions . The results of the pilot courses will be useful to adapt and improve the methodology and deliver a tested product.

During the implementation of the project and in order to share the methodology with the stakeholders of the sector, in addition to the 20 teachers, 100 students, 15 experts in innovative teaching methods in the field of linguistic and digital skills, 10 adult training institutes and 200 teachers will be involved. Through the dissemination plan we expect to reach at least 3000 stakeholders (teachers, managers of training institutes and public institutions), 3000 adult citizens.


Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.


PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

PROJECT NUMBER: 2019-1-IT02-KA204-062808

DURATION: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2021

TOTAL BUDGET: 166 229,00 EUR

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