A great problem and great opportunity lies in ICT sector. This is a sector with constant growth and constant need for workers/services. Unfortunately formal education system cannot “produce” enough ICT skilled workforces, so the logical assumption would be to try to find or retrain unemployed people. Next problem is that in many countries there is no systematic and free programmes that can offer ICT training for unemployed people.
Considering these issues, this project is focusing on young adults who are NEET’s with aim to transfer our participant’s concrete competences in graphic design and web development needed on the job market. The project is based on capitalizing on previous project. Main upgrade regarding the last edition is development and implementation of intermediate level of web/graphic design education program together with used tools and methods. In addition each participant will have an obligation to conduct a 2 months practice cycle in real sector. After finishing whole education process we will analyze the results and the main question is “Can target group of this education program gain enough competences to start work in IT sector or start their own IT initiative?”
The project will aim to achieve next results:
- Build up capacities unemployed youth
- Create 3 new education programs for basic level web development and intermediary level of knowledge of web development and graphic design
- Update basic web development and graphic design education program created in previous version of this initiative
- Increase employability of at least 36 unemployed youth
- Further develop a pilot project ready for multiplying
- Create on line test; / communication platform (website)
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2: Capacity Building for youth in neighbouring and enlargement countries
DURATION: 01/12/2018- 31/03/2020
TOTAL BUDGET: 107 665,63 EUR
- Centar Za Omladinski I Drustveni Razvoj Res Polis, Serbia (Coordinator)
- National Employment Service, Serbia
- EESTEC LC TIrana, Albania
- K-Digitale SRL, Italy
- European Grants International Academy SRL, Italy
- Pole Emploi, France
- DOREA Educational Institute WTF, Cyprus
- Cocoon Creations Services Limited, Cyprus