Mission Aeiphoria
The project "Mission Aeiphoria" was conceptualised after several projects we worked in DOREA as well as our own observations as trainers and participants that sustainability for youth workers is a great idea but it is difficult to put it in practice.
There are several projects about the theme, but we observed that what is need not only for youth workers but also to trainers or everyone that they lack the ability to put theory into practice. They don’t know how to increase the sustainability features in their projects or they know the idea of sustainability but they lack skills to create a project out of it for youth. Take this into consideration along with the multiple challenges we face as a universe with air pollution, climate change, deforestation and other, it is high time that we try to collaborate and create projects that can help everyone to be more sustainable.
The specific objectives of this project are:
● 30 youth workers to understand the multiple aspects of sustainability
● to support youth workers to make their projects more sustainable (including social, economic, environmental aspects)
● to support youth workers to learn about sustainability and support others to make changes in their lives
● to understand the interconnectedness and systems thinking around sustainable projects
● to understand that sustainability challenges such as climate change are global, interdisciplinary and systemic and need collaboration worldwide to be tackled
● to create 6 video tutorials about how to promote a sustainable lifestyle to people and how to build mini initiatives about sustainability
● help youth workers to create sustainable projects (an initiative that will tackle an issue like waste, air pollution, climate change) big or small in order to help others to become more sustainable, make changes in their life and create sustainable projects on their
Overall, our main aim is to give youth workers the skills and information and support them to raise awareness about sustainability, to help others to become more sustainable, to give them the space to make their projects more sustainable and create initiatives in and outside the programme to promote sustainability.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ KA1: Youth Workers Mobility
PROJECT NUMBER: 2020-1-CY02-KA105-001785
VENUE: Limassol, Cyprus
- DOREA Educational Institute, Cyprus
- Association RASMAH, Bulgaria
- Ticket2Europe, Spain
- Roes Cooperativa, Greece
- New Wellness Education, Italy
- Keep the Change, Latvia
- NGO Logos Polska, Poland
- Subtiluship C.I.C., UK
- Zig Zag prin, Romania