EGIDEV project

From April 15th to 18th, the DOREA team together with representatives from 9 European organisations participated in a training session held in Antalya, Turkey, hosted by Akdeniz University as a part of the Erasmus+ KA2 “Educational Game in Digital Entrepreneurship for VET Students – EGIDEV” project.

The main goal of the EGIDEV project is to develop an educational game in digital entrepreneurship for students. This game, based on formal training requirements and the EntreComp model, allows students to learn and test their business ideas in the realm of digital technologies. In addition, a range of digital resources will be created, including game modules, business tools, video tutorials, and scenarios for digital startups. These resources will assist VET teachers and students in teaching and learning entrepreneurship through interactive gameplay.


Aspendos ancient city in AntalyaTraining in Antalya

The focus of this training was to test and improve the prototype of the educational game, along with the scenarios created for the game’s storyline. It was an immersive experience where we were able to actively engage with the game, offering valuable feedback for further enhancements.

Moreover, the training provided an opportunity to explore the rich heritage of Antalya by visiting ancient sites, immersing us in the local culture, and admiring the breathtaking beauty of nature. These experiences contributed to our holistic development as individuals and professionals in digital entrepreneurship.


Future plans

We are very enthusiastic about the positive impact that EGIDEV will have on the VET community, fostering digital literacy and promoting the practical application of technology in business. Stay tuned as we continue to progress towards our shared vision of a thriving digital entrepreneurial ecosystem!

To learn more about the EGIDEV project and its objectives, please visit the project website.

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