Weekly Roundup
Final FORINER Conference – Registration NOW open!
The purpose of the event is to bring together professionals from all over Europe who work actively in the field of prison education, distance learning and digitalisation in prison. The final FORINER conference is fast approaching and will take place in Brussels on 28 November 2017, where the partners will ensure that important steps are taken to provide more and better distance education to foreign national prisoners throughout Europe.
During this one-day event, the main achievements of the FORINER project will be presented, including results of tested models for delivering education to foreign national prisoners.
You can register for this FREE event, but registration is required as seats are limited. The deadline for registration is Wednesday 8th November. You can register here.
Call for Proposals for Erasmus+ 2018
Call for Proposals for Erasmus+ 2018 with an expected €200 million budget increase has been just published. That’s an expected €2.7 billion for the programme next year! Refer to our online programme guide to assist you through the document and preparation of the applications. To see Erasmus+ Call for Proposals 2018, click here.
Click here to see online Programme Guide.
Erasmus+ funding opportunities for schools
Don’t miss a chance and participate in free “Erasmus+ funding opportunities for schools” online course designed for all the teachers and administrative staff, who would like to get to know more about two different funding opportunities their school can benefit from – Learning Mobility for staff ( KA1) and strategic partnerships (KA2). For more information please click here.
Erasmus+ trains the trainer
Did you know that teachers and trainers can also benefit from Erasmus+ exchanges and projects?
Our teachers and trainers can also benefit from exchanges that foster long-term pedagogical innovation. This, in turn, bolsters the teachers and trainers themselves, their fellow colleagues and learners, and society more broadly.
To learn more, visit the website, packed with facts, events, inspiring stories and more!
This year, the LLLWeek 2017 can count on 16 different events, on the most important topics dealing with “Education in the digital world”. Curious to hear more about the Erasmus+ debate, on inclusive education through media literacy, or on digital projects in local communities?
The LLLPlatform will be holding its 7th Lifelong Learning Week on 20-24 November 2017 in Brussels. This year, the LLLWeek will be in cooperation with the 2nd edition of the Vocational Skills Week – and for the second year – with the European Youth Forum. The main topic of the week will be Education in a Digital World, the Platform’s theme of the year. Events include debates on Inclusive Education, a Civil Society Forum, events on the newly-adopted European Pillar of Social Rights, discussions on the future of the Erasmus+, and of course the unmissable LLLWeek Reception. Find out more on the by clicking here and here.
SOLIDAR Foundation – Next Education and Lifelong Learning Forum
SOLIDAR Foundation will be holding its next ELF on December 20-21. The meeting will start at 14:00 on 20th and will finish with lunch on 21st, and will take place in the SOLIDAR Foundation office in Brussels, Rue de Pascale 4-6. We will get back to you as soon as possible with more details and the agenda. As was the case last time, SOLIDAR Foundation will be able to cover one’s travel and accommodation expenses up until 350 euros per person. If you are interested you can register here at the latest by 6th December 2017.
For more info, please click here.
EucA and EDEN invite you to join the eLene4work Network
Learning to learn for new digital soft skills for employability. Soft skills such as communication, teamwork, creativity and entrepreneurship are more and more in demand in today’s labour market, but how can we measure these skills? How can students and young workers demonstrate these skills on a CV or e-Portfolio? What are today’s and tomorrow’s employers really looking for? The eLene4work European project is tackling the definition of these soft skills, including digital soft skills, and proposes a series of actions and practical tools to help young talents better understand the expectations of employers, to assess their own level of competency and to further develop these skills through open education initiatives such as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and OERs (Open Educational Resources).
Interested? Find out more here.
Call for Papers: ARPCE 3rd International Research Conference
ARPCE, Association for Research in Post-Compulsory Education, has launched a call for papers for the 3rd International Research Conference.
The conference takes place from the 13th July – 15 July 2018 and will focus on Research in Post-compulsory Education. The aim is to bring together researchers and practitioners from a variety of countries to share ideas and projects. For more information, please click here.
The Call for Abstracts and deadline for receipt of proposals will be published on the ARPCE website www.arpce.org.uk.
Methodological guide for writing learning outcomes
Methodological guide for writing learning outcomes, which was developed in the project ”National Coordinators for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning”, with support from Erasmus + program, is now available not just in Romanian, but also in English.
You can find the guide here.
Prepared by Magda Seidelmannová