Weekly Roundup

 Language TrainingDebate – Integrating Migrant Adults through Language Training

The European Basic Skills Network will hold an online discussion on language training programs for adults. The questions will center around systems of language training and courses for adults with a migrant background and the various aspects of these trainings and courses. The debate will take place online starting April the 2nd at 9:00 AM (CET) until April the 3rd 17 PM (CET).

For more information, visit the website here.

Fighting ExtremismEducation Needs to Take a More Prominent Role in Fighting Extremism, Says Tony Blair

During an international conference of education in Dubai, Tony Blair mentioned extremism is a global issue, just as climate change is and needs to be tackled accordingly through education. Blair underlined the extensive expenses on counterterrorism and the lack of resources on tackling the same issues in the classroom. The former PM of the UK mentioned children need to develop critical thinking skills to avoid prejudice.

Read the full story here.

Inclusion of Migrant ChildrenEU Experts Head to Cyprus to Advice Education Ministry on Inclusion of Migrant Children

Education experts employed by the European Union have advised the minister of education in Cyprus on the inclusion of children with a migrant background. Moreover, the experts will meet this week with educational organizations, parents and other stakeholders. While it is underlined that many issues go well, other issues require improvement. Few of those issues are: attendance, language, and the communication with local communities.

Read the full story here.

Education and SkillsIrish Department of Education and Skills Releases new Strategy on Education

The Irish department of education and skills has released a new strategy on education. The action plan sets multiple goals. Strong attention is given to lifelong learning and training programs. The goals are aimed at adults with low skills levels. Through the new strategy the department hopes to train them on literacy, numeracy, and digital skills.

Read the full strategy here.

Upskilling PathwaysEuropean Association for the Education of Adults Releases Comments and Recommendations on European Commission’s Stocktaking Report on Upskilling Pathways

After the European Council adopted the Upskilling Pathways Recommendation in December 2019 aiming to support adults with low levels of skills and qualifications to enhance their basic skills (literacy, numeracy and digital skills). The European Commission has published a report on the implementations by the Member States. Following this report, the EAEA has released its comments and further recommendations.

Read the report here.

RacismMembers of European Parliament Urges European Union Member States to Take Measures to Stop Racism Against Afro-European People

MEPs have called on the European Union to take measures to end racism against Afro-European citizens. This must be done through national agencies who, on their part, develop policies. The discrimination takes place in education and political participation, among other areas. Moreover, the MEPs mention that adaptations in the curricula of educational organizations must take place to fight racism.

Read the full story here.


Greek and Turkish CypriotGreek and Turkish Cypriot Students Visit the old Town of Nicosia Together

The Bicommunal Technical Committee on Education organized the trip that had the aim to show the students the multicultural character of the capital of the country. The project has the aim to bring together educators, students, and their parents to increase acceptance amongst each other. Thus far, over 3,500 students have participated in the project.

Read the full story here.

30 Years of Jean Monnet 30 Years of Jean Monnet – European University Institute’s State of the Union Conference Dedicated to the Anniversary of Monnet

On the second of May, panelists taking part in the conference will discuss how education can play a role in the tackling of democratic deficit, enhancing the citizens’ understanding of the European Union’s founding values. Among others, the Minister for Education of Slovakia and the Vice Minister at the Italian Minister of Education, Universities and Research will take part in the panel held in Fiesole, Italy.

For more information, please visit the website here.


Prepared by Jip Lenssen


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