Your Right to Happiness
The Youth Exchange “Your Right to Happiness” with 7 partner organizations and 35 participants (4 participants + 1 leader per organization) from 7 different European countries: Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Romania, Poland and Germany, will take a place in Komotini (Greece), 21st - 29th of May 2018.
This Youth Exchange aims to inform the participants about their HR and support their journey through them! Young people will understand that all of the HR are applied in order to meet the overall Right, the Right to Happiness.
Through non-formal methods and exchange of good practices, the young people will discover the recipe for happiness. In daily life, in personal relations, in our working or studying environment happiness starts by respecting the Rights of the others.
35 participants from 7 different countries will create a small simulation of EU society. A week of co-existence in a society of knowledge, learning, mutual respect, fun, a happy society! At the end of our project, we will create a happy short video clip with the lip dub method about how we can promote the Rights and find a personal and collective happiness in our life!
In order to promote better the mutual understanding and respect of the different cultures we have planned various non formal education activities such as social visits in the area, open discussions about our topics, cinema night, interactive theatre, intercultural night, art workshops, discussions with NGO’s and experts, different contests, lip dub making, good practices and of course sightseeing, games and parties.
Young participants will develop their social and political skills, they will understand the honour and the responsibility to be a European Citizen and finally empowered by the Values of the program they will use the power and Right of Happiness to make a better society.
Because we deserve to be happy. Always!
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ KA1: Youth Exchange
PROJECT NUMBER: 2017-EL02-KA105-003588
VENUE: Komotini (Greece)