The project will be an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and best practices among social workers and youth in order to raise awareness on urban social issues and to stimulate active participation of youth in the civic society.
Due to the social media invasion, the urban centres are losing their characteristics. The city centre doesn't seem to be any more the beating heart of the city, and this causes serious consequences at economic and social level.This fact is related to other urban problems that are spreading more and more:
- city fragmentation: the new meeting points are the big shopping centres (malls), which appears as social melting pot and meeting point of youngsters;
- social exclusion of people who live in the peripheral areas or slums provoking a sense of frustration and isolation;
- young deviance: city centre sites and parks as a meeting point for fights among gangs from neighbouring areas, vandals or pickpocketing;
- state of abandonment and decay of the historical city centre and closure of traditional shops which are losing their attractiveness;
- abuse of the car as a means of transportation, lack of cycling lanes, pedestrian zones, and, as a result, lack of respect for pedestrians, for the environment and for people with disabilities.
Multi-activity is aiming to strengthen civic competences of youth through Non-Formal Education methods.
As a final outcome of the Training Course, participants will produce a set of Methods and Guidelines to address troubled young citizens. This will be disseminated in regional organisations and will form part of the materials of the following TC.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there.
PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ KA1: Mobility for youth workers
PROJECT NUMBER: 2016-3-SK02-KA105-001169