Phishing is one of the highest problems because cybercriminals use faster and more innovative technological tools to carry out phishing campaigns. According to Europol’s annual presentation (2019) “…new threats continue to emerge from vulnerabilities in established processes and technologies. Moreover, the longevity of cyber threats is clear, like many long-standing and established modi operandi persist, despite our best efforts.”
Therefore human-driven phishing defence system that leverages human instinct for detection and technology to scale response should be developed and freely available to a wide audience. To create a human-driven phishing defence, education is required for the user to become capable of identifying and responding to phishing attacks in the correct manner.
Introduced CyberPhish project addresses the education and labour market requirements for cybersecurity/phishing skills and knowledge for students and graduates in university (including life-long learning activities).
The overall project objectives are to analyse, design, develop and implement an up-to-date curriculum, e-learning materials, blended learning environment, knowledge and skills self-evaluation and knowledge evaluation system simulations for students and other users in order to prevent phishing attacks, raise competencies in this area for identification and prevention of threats.
It will address the need for awareness and education in phishing attack prevention. The developed e-learning materials, blended learning environment and simulations will be integrated in curricula at the participating Universities as well as provide the opportunity for increased dissemination of knowledge to EU-Citizens through Open Access.
The main intellectual outputs are related to cybersecurity and future competencies and they include:
1. Study analysis and recommendations: Avoiding phishing attacks and improving critical thinking:
(IO1-A1) Survey results “Recognising phishing and skills gaps” (EST, GR, LV, LT)
(IO1-A2) Results “Analysis of Existing Cybersecurity training programmes” (EST, GR, LV, LT)
2. Course Curriculum and localization:
(IO2-A1) The short version of curricula for dissemination (EST, GR, LV, LT)
(IO2 A2) Extended version of curricula for training material development and for training (EST, GR, LV, LT)
CyberPhish online course
3. (IO3) Online learning material (the output is integrated into the online learning platform)
4. (IO4) Simulations for education (gamification) (the output is integrated into the online learning platform)
5. (IO5) Self-evaluation and knowledge evaluation testing (the output is integrated into the online learning platform)
6. Methodological guidelines for trainers and for implementation of „Phishing in the age of the 4th industrial revolution“:
(IO6-A1) Methodological Guidelines for Trainers (EST, GR, LV, LT)
(IO6-A2) Guidelines for Implementation (EST, GR, LV, LT)
You can find more information on the project's website here.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
PROJECT NUMBER:2020-1-LT01-KA203-078070
DURATION: 02/11/2020 - 01/11/2022
TOTAL BUDGET: 222 395,00 EUR
- Vilnius University, Lithuania (Coordinator)
- DOREA Educational Institute, Cyprus
Tartu Ulikool, Estonia
Altacom SIA, Latvia
- Macdac Engineering Consultancy Bureau Ltd (MECB), Malta
- Information Technologies Institute, Lithuania