The European Union is largely viewed as a success story and as a cornerstone of European stability and prosperity. However, in a past few years, it faces a multitude of internal and external challenges, such as migration and refugee crisis, United Kingdom referendum on EU membership, heightened terrorist threat, etc. (The European Union: Current Challenges and Future Prospects; Congressional Research Service, 2016). All these challenges affecting each of EU citizen, questioning social inclusion process, raising populism and doubts about EU as a structure for Europeans to be part of.

Today’s Europe is being challenged by a growing mistrust between communities and institutions, and an inability to act together effectively. The ideology of European integration has succeeded in raising a generation of “European youth”, yet Europe’s real diversity is not understood by its citizens. We believe that together in partnership and inviting Europe on Track initiative can encourage active citizenry as well as establish direct contact between young people and decision-makers and a bidirectional communication channel where not only young people’s voice will be heard, but also the European youth can get a better understanding of the European construction.

This project will focus to bring partners from different parts of Europe (EU and non-EU) who are taking the role as ambassadors of Europe and informing and interviewing young people about their vision of the Europe of tomorrow through videos, who are raising awareness on the positive impact of EU, opportunities for young and elder.

The objectives of the project are to:

  • Inform young Europeans about the evolution of the European community and facilitate critical reflections on Europe’s present state,
  • Bring a new understanding of  the diversity of Europe and beyond - societal acceptance towards other cultures outside Europe (the migration wave being a challenge for our future together),
  • Train active youth workers how to interpret information sources about EU, how to approach and present this information to youth, how to become a better voice of EU to citizens.

Project outcomes: 

Click here to download the guidebook and the videos created by participants can be found here

Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.



Erasmus+ KA1: Learning Mobility of Individuals - Youth workers mobility

PROJECT NUMBER: 2016-3-CY02-KA105-000913

DURATION: 01.04.2017 – 31.12.2017


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