Adult learning is a key part of the lifelong learning spectrum which includes formal, non-formal and informal learning activities undertaken by adults. Placing our efforts into lifelong learning is undoubtedly a necessary investment. Continuous investment in the upgrading of human resources in a methodical and innovative manner plays an integral part in the increase of national, European and Global productivity as well as healthy competitiveness in the market.

However, the results from the European Union (EU) labour force survey show that in 2018 the participation of adults in lifelong learning in the EU stood at 11.1 %, with a mere 0.2 percentage from 2017 thus indicating that there is still much to be done and improved.

“Flip Edu Up (FEU)” aims to modernise the adult education and vocational training system through Blended Learning via the main objectives listed below :
• Improve the teaching skills of adult educators/trainers
• Improve the digital skills of educators/trainers and adult learners
• Improve the capacity of adult educators to deliver high-quality courses using blended learning
• Support the modernisation of educational training systems
• Help prepare education providers’ readiness, resiliency and efficiency when handling force majeure situations by equipping them with the tools and mindset necessary to continue the learning process and progress
• Smoothen the transition from traditional classroom learning environments to online learning environments for situations where a hybrid/blended learning environment is not an option

The project will offer educators/trainers the opportunity to learn how to tailor the Blended Learning method’s models to suit the needs of their learners and as such be able to implement their own combination of models to reach their unique educational goals. The end goal is to assist educators in becoming expert designers of innovative learning environments.


  1. Guidelines “Methodology, Quality Assurance and Evaluation for Blended Learning Approach in adult education”. You can download the guidelines here:  EnglishGermanGreekPolishItalian and Slovenian languages.
  2. "Blended learning" online course. You can register here.

Visit the project's website to find out more here.


Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.


PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

PROJECT NUMBER: 2020-1-DE02-KA204-007531​

DURATION: 01/12/2020 - 30/11/2022

TOTAL BUDGET: 156 741,00 EUR

  • HeurekaNet - Freies Institut für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation e.V., Germany (Coordinator)
  • DOREA Educational Institute, Cyprus
  • MIine Vaganti NGO, Italy
  • Fundacja instytut badan i innowacji w edukacji, Poland
  • Center za izobrazevanje in kulturo trebnje javni zavod, Slovenia
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