Project "LET(LearnEducateTeach)meTRY" is an international training of youth workers, leaders of intercultural facilitation organizations, involving 26 youth workers (and 2 experienced trainers) from Poland, France, Greece, Italy, FYROM, Bulgaria, Turkey, Malta, Cyprus, Hungary, Romania, Spain.
The long-term project involves three phases:
- The mobility of youth workers - training in the context of the facilitation of intercultural groups. It will allow you to thoroughly understand the specificity and importance of culture, its directions, its approach and the complexity of the intercultural environment (as well as its challenges: misunderstandings, conflicts, "false debates", tensions). Second, provide participants with the tools they need to work on the issue, through in-depth understanding of the logic of non-formal education, the importance of group dynamics, the diversity of leadership approaches, the exploration of mediation attitudes in intercultural work.
- A local phase in which staff will test and adapt the created methods to excluded youth groups, intercultural communities with whom they work every day.
- Mobility, in the context of work on re-evaluation of local action and the quality of methods used in the context of international projects and the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
Project goals:
- Create a portfolio with new innovative methods of social inclusion, with particular emphasis on terms: discrimination, stereotypes, intercultural learning, and exclusion.
- Raising awareness among youth workers about the specificity and complexity of facilitation during intercultural meetings and training.
- Strengthening the competences of youth workers in the context of planning and implementing effective learning activities at international level
- Exploring the different dimensions of culture and how they are linked to intercultural learning
- Test and qualitative evaluation of the developed tools on various groups of excluded youth
- Creating a portfolio with a set of methods and tools of coaching work in an intercultural environment, with particular emphasis on the inclusion of discriminated groups
Disclaimer: This project has been funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ KA1: Youth Workers mobility
PROJECT NUMBER: 2017-2-PL01-KA105-038939
VENUE: Wisla (Poland)
PROJECT COORDINATOR: Fundacja Młodzi dla Europy