Erasmus Muse
What would happen if the 9 Muses had the opportunity to host 35 young people from Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Poland, Denmark, France and Latvia to their birthplace (Thrace) for a week? What is happening when the Erasmus + meets the Myth? Then "Erasmus Muse" is the result! The youth exchange "Erasmus Muse" will gather 7 partner organizations and 35 participants (+ 7 leaders) from 7 different European countries in Komotini, Greece, Thracian region (the country of Muses) from 13 till 21 October 2017.
A youth exchange where participants will get familiar with Art and Culture as its presented through the 9 Muses in an interactive way through creative workshops. Each day will be devoted to getting to know each Muse and what it stands for, performing related actions through the scope of participant countries.
By learning History with Clio, reciting Poems with Calliope and Erato, singing with Euterpe and Polyhymnia, acting with Melpomene and Thalia, dancing with Terpsichore and dreaming with Urania, the young people not only will have a great entertainment but also they will get to know how important the arts are for the European Civilization and their European Identification and Citizenship.
Through non-formal education activities, the young people will learn easier about the importance of diversity and multi cultural-ism in European society.
After living their myth in the country of the Muses, creating a new Muse as well, they will be ready, inspired and qualified to start their own ventures in Europe as active European citizens!
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ KA1: Youth Mobility
PROJECT NUMBER: 2017-2-EL02-KA105-003343
VENUE: Komotini (Greece)