The desired objectives are:
- Discussion, promotion and introduction of innovative methods and approaches related to non-formal education for youth, through the usage of theatre, music, art, environment, social and economic issues and topics.
- Strengthen the capacity and increase the knowledge of youth workers across Europe, emphasizing Macedonia- through update and upgrade of the current Youthocracy platform with new methods regarding non-formal education in the existing 10 topics from Youthocracy vol. 1.
The project strives towards the achievement of sustainable change in support of youth development through additional non-formal education for young people and networking opportunities for youth workers. The activities that will be realized through the project consist of:
- networking,
- discussion and share of experiences and resources,
- discussion of training programs,
- discussions on practices for improvement of the quality of youth services and promote youth development principles across a broad range of communities, emphasizing communities in FYROM, with advisory discussions from European youth CSO's and their representatives
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2: Strategic Partnership in the Field of Youth
PROJECT NUMBER: 2017-2-MK01-KA205-035473
DURATION: 01/12/2017- 31/07/2018
- Eco Logic, FYROM
- Javni zavod Mladi zmaji, Slovenia
- DOREA Educational Institue WTF, Cyprus