Raising Equality And Cultural Tolerance (REaCT)
In the last two hundred and fifty years, citizens of European countries were often refugees. Many of us would find in our family either someone who had to migrate to other country and seek asylum or was forced to repatriate and settle in another place. Are we not, therefore, in a historical debt? On the European scale, this project directly addresses the current common challenging issue in all European countries e.g. European citizens reluctance to migrants.
This project objective is to influence adult European citizens and encourage them to take action in favour of a more tolerant Europe, respectful of human rights and obligations, which entails a refugee population exceeding our borders.
Specific objectives are: to improve and enrich teaching tools in adult education for trainers and staff working with adults, to promote voluntary activities for the benefit of migrants, to foster active citizenship and communication by initiating intercultural activities.
The results of this project will generate and disseminate positive messages, aimed at achieving compatible coexistence respectful of one another European citizens and the "newcomers" (refugees, migrants, repatriated persons).
This project will address adult training institutions, trainers and workers in those institutions and adult learners from our regions.
In order to change mind-set and attitudes of European citizens we need to start the intercultural education from adults as they are the ones that create and influence mind-set and attitudes of their children. Development of tolerant and open society depends on example given and passed from adults to children.
To reach the project objectives partners' institutions will search for innovative teaching methods that will be tested in this specific context. Those methods will be gathered in the training Pack available on-line, ready to implement and use by adult training centres across Europe.
Outcomes: Project "Methodology Guide" can be downloaded here.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2: Strategic partnerships in the field of education and training
PROJECT NUMBER: 2017-1-PL01- KA204-038689
DURATION: 31/12/2017- 30/08/2019
TOTAL BUDGET: 129 723,00 EUR
- Fundacja Instytut Rozwoju Regionalnego i Przedsiebiorczosci, Poland (Project Coordinator)
- PREVIFORM, Portugal
- IDEC, Greece
- LUETEC, Italy
- DOREA Educational Institute, Cyprus