Entrepreneurship & Youth Empowerment - Competence Based Development Programme for Social Inclusion and Employment
The problem of the social exclusion of young people and disintegration in the labour market as a consequence of the absence of key competences for lifelong learning and of entrepreneurial thoughts and behaviour encompasses severe and limiting effects:
Increase of:
- Nº of young people in situation of exclusion and social disintegration;
- Number of young NEETs;
- No. of young unemployed.
Promotion of:
1. The empowerment of young people through the development of key competences for lifelong learning and the adoption of entrepreneurial thoughts and behaviour;
2. Young entrepreneurship, through the transfer of knowledge and methodologies, methods and tools to start new work;
3. The social inclusion of young people, including socially underrepresented groups (such as ethnic minorities and migrants), by creating opportunities and enabling them to integrate into the labour market;
4. The empowerment of social agents (such as youth workers, trainers, teachers, etc.) for the work of social inclusion and youth entrepreneurship;
5. The potential of the NFE methodology in the empowerment and personal, social and professional development of young people;
6. Provide educational institutions with competencies for the incorporation of complementary actions to formal education for the personal, social and professional development of young people;
7. Sharing existing good practices based on the intervention programme for the development of key competences for lifelong learning and the adoption of entrepreneurial thoughts and behaviour that will bridge the transition between education and the labour market.
1. Tangibles
- Dissemination materials;
- EYE - Entrepreneurship & Youth Empowerment: Manual;
- EYE - Entrepreneurship & Youth Empowerment: Manual for Youth Workers.
2. Intangible
- Competences of the reference framework of the Recommendations of the Council of the EU;
- Personal, social, educational and emotional competences;
- Inclusive and entrepreneurial thoughts and behaviour;
- Experiences of personal, social and professional development.
- Development of key competences for lifelong learning and adoption of entrepreneurial thoughts and behaviour;
- Development of projects and ideas of a personal forum, with personal, social and professional impact;
- A greater spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship;
- Recognition of practices, methods and tools aimed at empowerment young people in the field of social inclusion, entrepreneurship and employability;
- Ability to work internationally in partnership and cooperation with other social agents and institutions;
- Capacity for direct and reinforced work with young people with fewer opportunities and from underrepresented social groups;
- Recognition and access to opportunities for the development of key competences and entrepreneurial thoughts and behaviour, either through the Erasmus+ programme.
Handbook for Entrepreneurship & Youth Empowerment
Handbook for Entrepreneurship & Youth Empowerment for Youth Workers
Focus Group Results: Blended Mobility
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
PROJECT NUMBER: 2019-2-PT02-KA205-006015
DURATION: 01/10/2019 - 31/12/2020
- PROACTING - Associação para a Promoção do Empreendedorismo e Empregabilidade, Portugal (Coordinator)
- DOREA Educational Institute, Cyprus
- Universidade Do Porto,Portugal
- Par Institute for Developing Lifelong Learning, Croatia
- Furim Institutt, Norway