EECE - Eco-Entrepreneurship & Circular Economy: On the Path to Sustainable Change
The project ’aims to, during the period of 24 months, reach the following objectives:
- to raise the capacities of youth organizations involved in this project to address the topics of eco-entrepreneurship, and circular economy at their work;
- to raise competencies of the target group of Work Package 2 (staff, youth workers) to design and implement activities increasing young people's competencies in the field of eco-entrepreneurship, and circular economy;
- to raise the interest of the target group of Work Package 3 (young people, young people with fewer opportunities in eco-entrepreneurship, and circular economy and increase their understanding of the issues;
- to strengthen partnerships between partners, increase their knowledge of Erasmus + Programme and create new project ideas addressing ecological issues, raising awareness on eco-entrepreneurship, circular economy, and Erasmus + Programme;
- to develop an online course on eco-entrepreneurship, Erasmus + Programme for youth workers, young people interested in eco-entrepreneurship and circular economy and board game for young people, young people with fewer opportunities to increase their entrepreneurial mindset and interest in eco-entrepreneurship and circular economy.
The project objectives will be reached through a series of international mobility activities such as Tool Trade Events, Study Visit or Youth Exchanges. Moreover, the key project outputs of the online course and board game will be disseminated through international and local multiplier activities organised by the consortium of 6 partners in all participating countries: North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Cyprus.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2: Capacity Building in the Field of Youth
DURATION: 01/05/2022 - 30/04/2024
TOTAL BUDGET: 180 029,00 EUR
Youth council next generation Skopje, North Macedonia (Coordinator)
DOREA Educational Institute, Cyprus
Centre for education and training Prizren, Kosovo*
Nevladina organizacija GLAS, Montenegro
Udruzenje OKRE, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Youth workers alliance, Serbia