Diversity womanship coalition
By implementing the project "Diversity Leaders Coalition", we want to counteract gender inequalities, exclusion, and insufficient diversity in public life by taking up topics such as supporting the development of women's competencies, herstory, women's leadership, diversity & inclusion, non-violent communication, microaggression, setting boundaries, managing diverse teams and multiculturalism.
Moreover, we want to strengthen the potential of the organization and develop new educational materials.
- 4 international meetings of staff and educators combined with workshops;
- Development of innovative educational materials in an international team of experts: 10 “HYBRID DIVERSITY WORKSHOP” SCENARIOS (available to download in English, Polish and Greek here) and the "DIVERSITY DAY" HANDBOOK (available to download in English, Polish, Greek and Lithuanian)
- 6 local dissemination workshops for women (3 workshops in each country);
- 2 dissemination conferences at the end of the project.
The project consists of developing innovative educational materials for organizations and educators working for diversity and for women which will:
- Increase participants’ linguistic, intercultural, and substantive competencies.
- Increase the potential of partner organizations thanks to the exchange of experiences and gaining new educational tools;
- Support for women in the local community;
- Enhance the internationalization of the leader's activities.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: ERASMUS+ KA2: Small-scale partnerships in adult education
PROJECT NUMBER: 2021-1-PL01-KA210-ADU-000034989
DURATION: 01/01/2022 - 30/06/2023
- Fundacja Inna Fundacja (Coordinator)
- DOREA Educational Institute, Cyprus