Start-up Skills for Youth
The project aims to facilitate the exchange of experience and knowledge between 35 first time young entrepreneurs/young people that have/had an entrepreneurial initiative about their entrepreneurial journey.
The activities addressed by the project will focus on the development of knowledge and skills of the participants following important pillars of a business: entrepreneurship concepts, business management and planning, teamwork and recruitment, marketing and sales, investments and accountancy.
The activities proposed for the youth exchange have as main objectives:
- to develop youngsters knowledge and skills about entrepreneurship: specific concepts, business/startup, management, teamwork and recruitment, marketing and sales, investments and accountancy
- to develop motivation, goal setting, ability to influence/lead, systems thinking, exploration, inquiry, creativity and innovation, problem-solving, persistence/perseverance of the participants
- to give the youngsters the possibility to share experiences, learn from each other’s and to offer them the possibility of working in teams to achieve a common goal and to improve their abilities in this sense
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained here.
PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ KA1: Youth Exchange
PROJECT NUMBER: 2017-1-RO01-KA105-036189
VENUE: Tg-Jiu (Romania)
PROJECT COORDINATOR: Center for Education and Consulting Structural Instruments
- Walk Together Association, Bulgaria
- Seiklejate Vennaskond, Estonia
- AEGEE-León (European Students' Forum), Spain
- SYTEV, Slovakia
- Kinoniki Sinetairistiki Epicherisielliniki Symmetochi Neon, Greece
- DOREA Educational Institue WTF, Cyprus