Nowadays all around Europe the youth unemployment is increasing and there are countries such as Greece where 65% of young people are unemployed. Young workers they are trying to get a summer job and they have to work with less than the basic, without working Rights in very bad conditions unable to react as they need at least a seasonal job to survive. SUNemploymentTOO is exactly this kind of employment that is temporary and as the summer pass, you are again unemployed. “SUNemploymentTOO”, it is more than a project title as express the demand of all the young people all around Europe and especially in the South, for stability, dignity, respect, work, Social Rights and a better future. During the 7 days of the Youth Exchange, 40 young people from 8 different countries will share opinions and ideas on unemployment and the lack of awareness of opportunities. They will be informed about their Rights and how they can go to work abroad through the right path. They will explore creativity in the workplace as the youth must bring energy, imagination, new ideas and a limitless vision with them. The project aims to inform youth about the situation of youth unemployment in different countries as well as about job and educational opportunities. Young people, they will learn how to see the summer as a job opportunity and not a job for opportunists who take advantage of young people. By learning their Rights and how to protect those, with the use of the right programs such as Erasmus+, EURES and EU funding opportunities for young entrepreneurs, they will be in better place than before. Emphasis will be given European Voluntary Service as an opportunity for youth to get involved in various activities.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there.
PROGRAMME: Erasmus+ KA1: Youth Mobility
PROJECT NUMBER: 2017-1-EL02-KA105-003080
VENUE: Komotini (Greece)